Man Pages

Here are the links to the three man pages included in PBNJ.

ScanPBNJ.1 - a program for running Nmap scans and storing the results in a PBNJ 2.0 database.

OutputPBNJ.1 - a program to query a PBNJ 2.0 database.

Genlist.1 - ping scanner

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Install Notes

Quick Install - simply run from this directory

To Install PBNJ Properly ( make sure you have the needed deps)

perl Makefile.PL
make test
** Then as root **
make install

You will need to install the following modules for PBNJ 2.0 to work


Also, you will need Nmap (any version will do)

To install a module using CPAN

$ sudo cpan

# make sure you have the latest version of CPAN installed
cpan> install CPAN
cpan> install Bundle::CPAN

# then when you see the cpan> prompt type install and the name of
# the module

cpan> install Nmap::Parser

cpan> install File::HomeDir

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Connecting to an Alternative Database

PBNJ using Postgres Backend

PBNJ using MySQL Backend

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1) I'm getting this error message: closing dbh with active statement handles at /usr/bin/outputpbnj line 955.

This is actually an issue with one of the modules PBNJ is using. The quick fix is to simply comment out that line. A patch is going to applied to the next version to fix this issue.

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PBNJ's data files are stored in ScanPBNJ and OutputPBNJ. When either of these programs is run the configuration files will be generated for the user if they don't already exists and placed in the $HOME/.pbnj-2.0 directory. Again, if there is a configuration file in the current directory it is used instead of the version in the configuration directory.

$HOME/.pbnj-2.0/config.yaml - holds settings for connecting to the database which store the information from PBNJ scans.

$HOME/.pbnj-2.0/query.yaml - lists all queries that can be used to retrieve information from the database. Also, includes the name and description for each query. This is only generated when you executed OutputPBNJ.

For Windows, the pbnj-2.0 config directory is in the APPDATA directory, which contains both config.yaml and query.yaml. Depending on your environment, the APPDATA directory may be a different location from other environments. Therefore, when the configs are executed for the first time they will display the path where the configs were generated.

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